From local neighborhoods and schools to courtrooms, hospitals, fields, and forests, data are everywhere, providing us the power to solve problems like never before. Communities large and small now have access to a wealth of data they can use to assess conditions, develop strategies and policies, evaluate impact, and make critical decisions. However, not all communities – particularly those that are small or rural – have the expertise or resources necessary to access and leverage complex data for real-world benefits.
With the support of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, five partner universities—University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, Iowa State University, and Oregon State University—and the universities’ respective Cooperative Extension Systems (CES), will pilot a three-state initiative, “Towards A National Community Learning Network,” and utilize data science to solve complex, community challenges and advance economic mobility across Virginia, Iowa, and Oregon. This collaboration will test the viability of CES as a dissemination network to discover opportunities and build data-driven governance at local levels where relevant expertise may be lacking.
Through UVA’s Biocomplexity Institute’s established Community Learning through Data Driven-Discovery process and each of the universities’ Data Science for the Public Good Young Scholars programs, the initiative will build partnerships with CES professionals and equip them with the skills and knowledge to partner with local stakeholders and their associated land-grant universities in Virginia, Iowa, and Oregon to bring data-driven solutions to rural communities.
Community Learning through Data-Driven Discovery (CLD3) Strategy Group (2022-present)
Cassandra Dorius
Iowa State University. Associate Professor and Director of Iowa’s CLD3 Initiative: cdorius@iastate.edu
Cathie Woteki
University of Virginia, Distinguished Biocomplexity Institute Professor and Iowa State University. USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics, (2010-2017): cwoteki@iastate.edu
Stephanie Shipp
University of Virginia. Acting Director of the Social and Decision Analytics Division, Biocomplexity Institute: sshipp@virginia.edu
Lindsey Shirley
Colorado State University. Deputy Director of Colorado Cooperative Extension; Associate Vice President for Engagement and Outreach: lindsey.shirley@colostate.edu
Sam Angima
Oregon State University. Associate Dean of Extension: sam.angima@oregonstate.edu
Andrew Behnke
Texas State University. Director of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences: aob28@txstate.edu
Rich Bonanno
North Carolina State University. Director North Carolina Cooperative Extension; Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: abonann@ncsu.edu
Mike Gutter
Virginia Tech. Director of Virginia Cooperative Extension; Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: msgutter@vt.edu
Chadwick Higgins
University of University of Missouri, Interim Vice Chancellor Ext/Engagement & Interim Chief Engagement Officer, Office of Extension and Engagement: cchiggins@missouri.edu
Brian Kowalkowski
College of Menominee Nation. Director of Extension; Dean of Continuing Education: bkowalkowski@menominee.edu
Mike Lambur
Virginia Cooperative Extension Emeritus: lamburmt@vt.edu
Scott Reed
Oregon State University. Director of Oregon Cooperative Extension, 2005-2019: scott.reed@oregonstate.edu
Maureen Kelly Moseman
JD, consultant, Moseman & Associates LLC, former Director of REE Congressional Relations at USDA: maureen.moseman@gmail.com
Advancing Economic Mobility Project Leadership (2020-2021)
Cassandra Dorius
Co-Principal Investigator, Iowa State University, Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies: cdorius@iastate.edu
Sallie Keller
Principal Investigator, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute, Division Director, Social and Decision Analytics, Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity, Professor of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine: Sak9tr@virginia.edu
Stephanie Shipp
Co-Principal Investigator, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute Division Deputy Director, Social and Decision Analytics, Research Professor: sss5sc@virginia.edu
National Advisory Panel (2019-2022)
Catherine E. Woteki, Ph.D.
Professor, Iowa State University, Distinguished Institute Professor, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia
Richard M. Klemme, Ph.D.
Former Executive Director for Extension, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, Former Dean and Director, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Roger Rennekamp
Extension Health Director, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities
Sarah Nusser, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research, Iowa State University
John Lawrence, Ph.D.
Vice President for Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University
Alan Kemp
Executive Director, Iowa League of Cities
Scott Reed, Ph.D.
Emeritus Vice-Provost for University Outreach and Engagement, Emeritus Director of Extension, Oregon State University
Edwin Jones, Ph.D.
Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension
Ray M. McKinnie, Ph.D.
Dean and 1890 Administrator, College of Agriculture, Virginia State University
Arthur Scott
Associate Legislative Director, National Association of Counties
Charlotte Baer, Ph.D.
Former National Program Leader, USDA/NIFA, Managing Director, Food and Environment Program, Union of Concerned Scientists